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Mayo Clinic Laboratories

Test Code LAB3089 Lactic Acid, Plasma

Performing Laboratory

Barnes-Jewish Hospital Laboratory


Enzymatic (Lactate to Pyruvate)

Literature Reference:

Package insert: Lactate LACT2 reagent. Roche Corporation, 3/2022

Specimen Requirements

Specimen must be received within 2 hours of draw.


Specimen Type: Plasma
Container/Tube: Grey top (potassium oxalate/sodium fluoride)
Specimen Volume: Full tube

Collection Instructions:
1. Avoid use of a tourniquet if possible.

2. Blood should be drawn from a stasis-free vein, however, minimal hemostasis (<30 seconds) will not affect lactate levels.

Additional Information: Delivery of specimen on ice is not required. For Hospital patients, the pneumatic tube system may be used.

Day(s) Test Set Up

Monday through Sunday

Turnaround Time:
STAT: 1 hour after receipt in laboratory 
Routine: 2 to 4 hours after receipt in laboratory

Test Classification and CPT Coding


Reference Values

0.7-2.0 mmol/L

Critical result (automatic call-back): ≥ 4.0 mmol/L

Literature Reference:

1. Rifai N, Horvath AR, Wittwer AT eds: Textbook of Clinical Chemistry and Molecular Diagnostics 6th ed: Chapter 60, p. 1324, Elsevier, St. Louis, MO 2018.

2. Singer M., et al.  The Third International Consensus Definition for Sepsis and Septic Shock.  JAMA 2016; 315(8): 801.

Specimen Transport Temperature


Additional Information

For BJH Laboratory Use Only

Laboratory Processing Instructions:

Test performed in BJH Core Lab.  Processed by automated line for delivery to the Cobas 8000.  Completed specimens are stored refrigerated for 5 days.

Special Instructions

See Analyte Stability Chart under General Information for a complete list.

LOINC Code Information

Name LOINC Code
Lactate 2524-7